1. 這一篇也是應狂人娘和狂人妹要求而貼,請包含菜英文.
2. 此料理通常我會放冬菇(當然是泡軟且洗淨的),但當天剛好冬菇用完了,所以沒放.
3. 雞肉可選用帶皮連骨的,我個人比較偏愛,因為狂人家人都吃得很健康,雞肉一定要去皮去骨才行.
4. 也是健康理念,紅燒醬汁我會加一點糖,但是這家人的菜裡都不放糖,所以省略掉. (我自己吃的一定會放的,差很大)
Bean curd and chicken
1. Preparation:

Soak dried bean curd in cold water until bean curd getting soft.

Green onion, 2 slices of ginger and 3 cloves of garlic. 
Chopped garlic and ginger into small pieces. Cut green onion into short pieces. (green part and white part should be separated)

Chicken breast (one and half pieces) which boneless and skinless, cut them as picture above. 
When dried bean curd got soft, drain them and cut them into short pieces 
Mix 3 spoons of soy-bean sauce, 3 spoons of water, a little bit sugar and white pepper.
2. Cooking:

Heat up oil and put garlic and ginger into a fry pan.

When you smell garlic, put chicken into the fry pan.

Place chicken to the oily part, turn them over until outside of chicken getting white and dry. 
Put green onion (white part) in and mix them well.

Put soft bean curd in and mix them well. 
Add sauce which on last step of preparation above and bring to a boil. 
Reduce heat to medium low and continue to cook, cover, for couple minutes. 
Cover it, cook until the chicken well-done. 
When chicken well-done, you can try some and add sort if it is not sortie enough. Then off heat, put green onion (green part), mix them well, pour into a serving bowl.